Martech Chats Series

ABM/ABX: Real-World Insights

B2B sales and marketing is moving towards ABM (account-based marketing) and the even more advanced ABX (account-based experience) as their go-to revenue-driving strategy. Learn more about how to plan, implement and measure ABM/ABX campaigns in our first Martech Chat.


December 8, 2023 – Marketing leaders Jordan Liebman of BlueJeans by Verizon and Laura Stevenson of Ascend Marketing discussed their recent campaign collaboration—which included ABM and ABX to achieve key business goals. Hear how developing more personalized, highly targeted conversations between the BlueJeans brand, prospective customers and sales leaders resulted in improved sales enablement and performance.  

Featured Experts

Laura Stevenson

Laura Stevenson

Account Lead, Customer Experience and Communications

Ascend marketing

Jordan Liebman

Jordan Liebman

Vice President, Global Brand Marketing and Demand Generation

BlueJeans by Verizon

Meet the Experts

Laura Stevenson 

Account Lead Customer Experience and Communications, Ascend Marketing 

Laura has more than 25 years of experience in the advertising and marketing field, including corporate roles at Verizon, and has partnered with a diverse set of companies, including Nissan, Verizon, BlueJeans by Verizon, Alkami and SAP. Her primary focus is helping clients with journey and ABX demand generation strategies, including content to support the appropriate sales funnel and customer stages. She is especially adept in working across various company resources, plus staying on top of the latest tools, technologies, and industry best practices to attain next-level marketing effectiveness.  

Jordan Liebman 

Vice President, Global Brand Marketing and Demand Generation, BlueJeans by Verizon

Jordan is an ex-creative agency leader turned brand leader who now serves as the Global Head of Brand Marketing and Demand Generation for BlueJeans by Verizon. In his role, Jordan oversees all lead generation and brand awareness/engagement activity for the $250M product portfolio. Before BlueJeans, Jordan led consumer wireless creative marketing for Verizon, in which he oversaw brand strategy for the company’s holiday campaign and brand partnerships with the NBA, NFL, Disney, Apple, and various other content partners.  

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