Session Recap

Filling in the Gaps: Building Smarter Campaigns With Better Data

September 29, 2020 — To do martech right, we can all agree: it’s all about the data. Our September Martechify session featured a conversation with marketing leaders, Delci Organ of Nokia, Joe Quinn of NI, and Luke Mortensen of PayPal, on how to navigate, organize, and orchestrate powerful full-lifecycle data flows.

Featured Experts

Joe Quinn

Joe Quinn

Director of High Touch Demand

National Instruments

Luke Mortensen

Luke Mortensen

Director of Marketing Analytics,
Global ROI and Americas


Delci Organ

Delci Organ

Marketing Technology Strategist


Big Data, Bigger Data Flows

With access to big data, organizations expect better campaign results. But the challenge is achieving a seamless flow of data across all platforms within an organization’s martech stack.

In order to effectively tackle data orchestration, we must look at the big-picture goal. During the session, we mapped out the approach below for a visualization of a data flow. Harnessing data requires identifying data points within an automation platform and determining how to feed the automation.

Data Flow Chart

Destination: Well-Harnessed Data

The expected result of well-harnessed data is to provide better insights for campaign optimization. Some buzzwords from the discussion that were used to describe well-harnessed data:

The Road to Get There…

The road to get to well-harnessed data can present a variety of challenges:

Advice From Our Experts

Each expert demonstrated ways to resolve the data challenges captured above. Here’s how they summed up their advice on achieving seamless data flows:

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