Virtual forum

Martechify Session Survey: Advanced Audience Segmentation: Leveraging Powerful Data

August 26, 2021

August 26th, 2021 — Please provide feedback on your experience attending the Martechify virtual forum, “Advanced Audience Segmentation: Leveraging Powerful Data” on August 26th.

Up Next: AdTech: Emerging Trends and Methods

Martechify is all about continuous learning, and we can all learn from each other.

We created Martechify to be a growing and ongoing forum series with content that will evolve and build to bring additional value upon repeat attendance. We’ll continue the dialogue in our next session, “AdTech: Emerging Trends and Methods.”

Now that you’re all caught up, we’d love for you to join the conversation.

Join us live at the next session on Thursday, October 7th from 8:30 to 10:00 AM CT:
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Sign up to receive a recording of ABM/ABX: Real-World Insights, from our Martech Chats series, once it becomes available.