The Role of Martech in Post-COVID Recovery

Leverage powerful martech tools to kickstart your post-COVID-19 digital-first marketing strategy.


March 25, 2021 – Our March 2021 Martechify session features a conversation with martech leaders on how the hospitality and restaurant industries have been significantly disrupted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We discussed how organizations have shifted their marketing strategies to better leverage martech tools throughout the crisis, as well as how industries will plan for post-COVID recovery.

Martech experts— Holly Moreland, Director of Customer Engagement Platforms and Martech at Hilton, and Brandy Butler, National Director of Marketing at Jason’s Deli— shared how their organizations pivoted to meet customers’ demands during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Featured Experts

Brandy Butler

Brandy Butler

National Director of Marketing

Jason’s Deli

Holly Moreland

Holly Moreland

Director of Customer Engagement Platforms and Martech


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The Role of Martech in Post-COVID Recovery

Leverage powerful martech tools to kick-start your post-COVID-19 digital-first marketing strategy.

The Role of Martech in Post-COVID Recovery

Holly Moreland of Hilton and Brandy Butler of Jason’s Deli discuss how their organizations pivoted to meet customers’ demands during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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