Martechify Logo Jun 2021

Martechify June 2021 Recap

Session Recap

The Role of Martech at the Intersection of Marketing and Sales

June 3, 2021 — Martech experts— Allison Cerra of Alkami Technology, Jarrett Hollier of Dun & Bradstreet, and Dana Centola of Sabre— shared how their organizations are currently utilizing their martech stack to support the handoff between Marketing and Sales, as well as their visions for further expanding processes that enable attribution and accountability between the two departments. 

Featured experts

Allison Cerra

Allison Cerra

Chief Marketing Officer

Alkami Technology

Jarrett Hollier

Jarrett Hollier

Vice President of Digital Marketing

Dun & Bradstreet

Dana Centola

Dana Centola

Senior Manager of Product Marketing


Framework: Martech dimensions to reach end-to-end engagement

What should the intersection of Marketing and Sales look like? Is it a seamless relay or malfunction junction? The following framework was established at the beginning of the session to align on the five key dimensions of reaching end-to-end prospect and customer engagement with martech.

Giving structure to the process

Martech can give structure and accelerate the process of defining overall go-to-market strategy.

Equipping and enablement

Martech platforms carry a lot of data and content which can be used for equipping and enabling a sales organization and the sales process.

Process and automation

Martech is an automated toolset with multiple dimensions in which it can automate and accelerate processes and increase performance.

Data capture and insights

Martech platforms can capture a vast array of data and develop insights that are crucial in developing end-to-end engagement with the customer.

Performance management and optimization

By effectively utilizing martech platforms to the extent of their capabilities, processes can be continually monitored and optimized for improvement thus accelerating performance.

Marketing and sales processes: Martech in the middle

Our experts shared the following insights on how to leverage martech to further align Marketing and Sales:

Create a stream of constant and recurring communication between sales and marketing.

Determine the right tech stack that is easily accessible for both sales and marketing.

Develop an overall marketing strategy that supports sales and marketing efforts.

Discussion and Takeaways: Advice from our Experts

Each of our experts discussed the unique ways their organizations have been re-strategizing to align marketing and sales efforts. Here’s how they summed up their advice:

Cerra: It’s a journey, not a destination. We will always be evolving on this, and continuing communicating because the buyer continues to shift, the technology continues to shift, and the relationship between Sales and Marketing continues to shift.

Hollier: When facing challenges and friction, understand that it starts with Sales in terms of growing the business and paying the bills. And if you can get into that mindset when it comes to collaborating with your sales team, then it becomes paramount in guiding those conversations from a marketing perspective. It is key to remember that your sales team is under a lot of pressure and that they carry a lot of weight for the company.

Centola: Making sure sales is a part of the process all the way along. Making sure there is validation and buy-in from the Sales team whether it’s a new piece of technology, or a process, or standing up a new form of communication. Making sure there is partnership along the way. By including them in the conversations, it is going to make crossing the finish line much easier if sales and Marketing agree and are on the same page.

Watch the recording

For more insights and takeaways from the session, watch the full recording here:

Previous sessions

Watch previous session recordings and read recaps of our past Martechify events to learn about a variety of martech-related topics straight from the experts.
Martechify Logo Mar 2021

Martechify March 2021 Recap

Session Recap

Marketing on the Road to Post-COVID Recovery

March 25, 2021 — Martech experts— Holly Moreland, Director of Customer Engagement Platforms and Martech at Hilton, and Brandy Butler, National Director of Marketing at Jason’s Deli— shared how their organizations pivoted to meet customers’ demands during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Featured experts

Brandy Butler

Brandy Butler

National Director of Marketing

Jason’s Deli

Holly Moreland

Holly Moreland

Director of Customer Engagement Platforms and Martech


Framework: Maximizing martech through recovery

The following framework illustrates how to approach an elevated martech strategy through an assessment of technological and organizational resources: 

Be prepared to make changes at a moment’s notice.

With the pandemic, the need for speed has become crucial in terms of utilizing your martech stack to keep up with the rapid pace of change in the current environment. Although staff and resources may be reduced, it is important to ensure customers’ needs and demands are met with both speed and efficiency— martech can help save valuable time through automation.

Implement your martech stack to assist in overcoming multi-faceted challenges.

Making crucial decisions on rightsizing and refocusing within the organizations to meet customers’ ever-changing demands is challenging. Martech platforms can help you keep consistent communication with your customers while also sharing the most relevant information regarding updated safety regulations.

Ensure precise marketing communications to aide in recovery process.

Plan for long-term sustainment and recovery by maintaining targeted communication in terms of:

Framework and discussion: Advice from our experts

Each expert discussed the ways their organizations pivoted when the pandemic hit and how they utilized their martech stack to stay connected with their customers. Here’s how they summed up their advice:

Butler: In terms of our marketing, the pandemic and shift of business shined a light on how little data we had regarding our customers. It presented a huge problem and we realized how crippled we were in terms of data — we did not know who our dine-in customers were and what their buying habits were. This business shift exposed a huge hole in our data that we needed to fill and gave us the opportunity to do so.

Moreland: The road to recovery for us means we are relying on our people, our processes, and our technology as we approach the return to travel. We needed to constantly check in on these components to make sure they are being optimized and utilized in a manner that supports our customer experience and us operationally.

Watch the recording

For more insights and takeaways from the session, watch the full recording here:

Previous sessions

Watch previous session recordings and read recaps of our past Martechify events to learn about a variety of martech-related topics straight from the experts.
Martechify Logo Feb 2021

Martechify February 2021 Recap

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Martechify Logo Aug 2020

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August 6th, 2020 — In our latest Martechify session, we explored “Activating Multi-Channel Journey Experiences” and continued the dialogue around Advanced Campaign Architecture, a series topic that was introduced during our June 25th inaugural kickoff.

Martechify Logo Jun 2020

Martechify June 2020 Recap

We gathered a community of business leaders to join us in launching Martechify, a new forum series focused on tech-enabled marketing. The virtual format of the event allowed many of our friends outside of DFW to join us from around the country and internationally.